Entdecke deine Geschichte vor der Haustür!
DENKMAL EUROPA means literally «MONUMENT EUROPE». It's a play on words, because it also means «THINK EUROPE». 
The site is a di­gi­tal his­to­ry book that in­vi­tes peop­le of all ages and cul­tu­res to re­flect on the past, the pre­sent and the fu­ture of Eu­ro­pe. In­vol­ving nar­ra­ti­ves il­lus­tra­te the Eu­ropean con­text of our con­struc­tion and buil­ding he­ri­ta­ge, and re­veal how our wealth in buil­ding cul­tu­re is a re­sult of di­ver­se cul­tu­ral ex­ch­an­ge pro­ces­ses. The re­s­pon­sive web­site for di­gi­tal sto­ry­tel­ling, com­bi­nes vi­deo con­tent, images, au­dio and text in­to im­mer­si­ve vi­su­al sto­ries and di­gi­tal re­ports in full screen.
● Ti­me­li­nes with ori­gi­nal pic­tu­res and pho­to­graphs from the ear­ly past pro­vo­ke us to ask ques­ti­ons.
● The web­site in­vi­tes peop­le of all ages to ex­plo­re the se­crets of our built he­ri­ta­ge.
● Thril­ling bio­gra­phies turn buil­dings in­to sto­ry tel­lers.
● Best prac­tice pro­jects de­fi­ne qua­li­ty stan­dards, goals, ti­me and cost plan­ning.
«As a re­sult, the pro­ject has ma­de cul­tu­ral he­ri­ta­ge mo­re ea­si­ly ac­ces­si­ble to its va­rious tar­get groups.» EU­RO­PA NOS­TRA
Im­pres­sed with the ap­pea­ling in­ter­face of the web­site, the EU­RO­PA NOS­TRA ju­ry no­ted 2019 that «the web­site is well de­si­gned, re­s­pon­sive, and it is com­pa­ti­ble with any de­vice. It en­cou­ra­ges and enables child­ren and young adults to en­ga­ge with their cul­tu­ral he­ri­ta­ge and mo­nu­ments through smart in­ter­ven­ti­ons both on­line and on site. As a re­sult, the pro­ject has ma­de cul­tu­ral he­ri­ta­ge mo­re ea­si­ly ac­ces­si­ble to its va­rious tar­get groups.»
This pro­ject, which is uni­que in Ger­ma­ny, ma­kes an im­portant cont­ri­bu­ti­on to edu­ca­tio­nal ac­tivi­ties in a wi­de va­rie­ty of fiel­ds, in­clu­ding po­li­tics, cul­tu­re, sustaina­bi­li­ty, and cross-bor­der thin­king. The ju­ry sta­ted that «the ca­re­ful­ly selec­ted to­pics en­cou­ra­ge re­se­arch in­to our his­to­ry, crea­te a sen­se of ow­nership and thus mo­ti­va­te the pre­ser­va­ti­on of mo­nu­ments and cont­ri­bu­te to the ex­plo­ra­ti­on and un­der­stan­ding of our com­mon Eu­ropean iden­ti­ty through our tan­gi­b­le and intan­gi­b­le cul­tu­ral he­ri­ta­ge.»